Jonathan Drake
JoinedPosts by Jonathan Drake
All Christians Should Accept EVOLUTION
by FusionTheism init is time for christians to accept evolution, in my opinion.. there are many reasons why i think it is long overdue for all christians to finally accept what science says about evolution.
below i will show these reasons.. .
the bible tells people to pay attention to nature to see the glory of god (psalm 19; romans 1:19-20).
Jonathan Drake
Oh okay. It read like you were saying the bible luckily landed an evolution reference and I was just confused by that to the point of dyslexia. -
All Christians Should Accept EVOLUTION
by FusionTheism init is time for christians to accept evolution, in my opinion.. there are many reasons why i think it is long overdue for all christians to finally accept what science says about evolution.
below i will show these reasons.. .
the bible tells people to pay attention to nature to see the glory of god (psalm 19; romans 1:19-20).
Jonathan Drake
religious people should embrace the idea, that like everything else, our world-view is evolving. the feared death is not imperfection, but a natural consequence of existence. new ideas, new discoveries pop up like good mutations and if proven successful, fitting the situation, advance us. " fill and subdue" is a lucky hit in the bible, it means we are the new kid on the block on this planet, tops, and creation, evolution thrives on success.
😧 what does this say...? I CAN'T read anymore!!! 😫
McKinney Texas pool party?
by Marvin Shilmer inso today i was asked my thoughts on the pool party incident in mcminney, texas.
my response: it shows a clash of expectations.
i saw police officers who expected citizens to listen to and follow instructions.
Jonathan Drake
Wait wait wait, this might be golden.
realtalk are you Paulo?
because if you're Paulo, let's review:
you make posts k. Your posts violated posting guidelines which Simon removed and then provided to you to follow in a pm. You rebelled against this authority instead of respecting it and got banned. Instead of learning your lesson you come back and continue to disrespect it.
So let's say Simon were a cop, and you were menacing at a store. Simon tells your leave and you don't, he makes you leave physically. Then while talking to those at the store you walk back in angry and making a scene again - where is his hand gonna go? To his firearm, because you came BACK and will now be arrested.
The irony here is palpable, you are demonstrating the very behavior that is causing so much trouble.
God loves Gay, Lesbian, and Transgendered People
by FusionTheism ingod's view of gays and lesbians.
why should anyone care what i have to say on this topic?
i am not a priest.
Jonathan Drake
Point blank, the Bible is against homosexuality. as the scriptures quoted in previous posts point out.
That's why I have a hard time figuring out what is in the mindset of those who are gay who have been ordained in the Methodist, Espocopalian and the other churches when the Bible clearly states its feeling on homosexuality. How do you take a vow to carry on the word of the Lord with those scriptures condemning homosexuality.
Hear, hear.
God loves Gay, Lesbian, and Transgendered People
by FusionTheism ingod's view of gays and lesbians.
why should anyone care what i have to say on this topic?
i am not a priest.
Jonathan Drake
Considering your mention of ancient mythologies vs. the Bible is interesting yet not quite the same.
It is the same, they are all fictitious stories. That's the extent of my comparison.
just like you wouldn't consult Homer for insights of universal truth, you should not consult the bible - they should fall under the same categorization.
God loves Gay, Lesbian, and Transgendered People
by FusionTheism ingod's view of gays and lesbians.
why should anyone care what i have to say on this topic?
i am not a priest.
Jonathan Drake
Why is this all-or-nothing, throw the baby out with the bathwater philosophy only applied to the Bible and not to the government or the Constitution?
You keep using this baby thing. I'm gathering that the baby here represents some truth in the bible and the bath water represents the bad.
Again, the bible claims to be the inerrant word of God. This is an aspect of Christian Faith. There isn't suppose to be ANY bath water to throw out. Has it occurred to you that you are calling God a liar every time you claim he doesn't know his own views and try to correct them for him? Because you are, he is GOD, and you are trying to convince people of views directly antithetical to his own expressed word.
God loves Gay, Lesbian, and Transgendered People
by FusionTheism ingod's view of gays and lesbians.
why should anyone care what i have to say on this topic?
i am not a priest.
Jonathan Drake
Are you offended at the mention of the U.S. Constitution because the Founders owned slaves, or were Pro-Slavery?
Do you insist on rejecting anything to do with the Constitution?
Or, do you instead, try to improve the Constitution and get people to use modern morals to better interpret it?
There is no comparison here FT. The laws of the land have changed with the progression of morality, the bible has not. God himself states in the bible that he does not change (despite his contradictions throughout the bible).
The bible and Christianity both make the claim that the book is the inerrant word from God, that only by obeying gods expectations set out in the book will God approve of you and grant salvation. All who disobey his laws will be judged for their sins.
The constitution makes no such claims, and is amendable to a progressive culture. The bible would have us locked into an archaic time of stoning our children for being disrespectful.
What is it going to take for people to realize that they are holding on to an ancient peoples ignorant worldview and that because of so many doing this our society is suffering? If you would just honestly evaluate all the harms this book has brought our species both in the past and present, you'd be left with the truth - that the bible is no different from Greek mythology, Egyptian mythology, roman mythology, etc and deserves to be viewed just as fictitious.
All Christians Should Accept EVOLUTION
by FusionTheism init is time for christians to accept evolution, in my opinion.. there are many reasons why i think it is long overdue for all christians to finally accept what science says about evolution.
below i will show these reasons.. .
the bible tells people to pay attention to nature to see the glory of god (psalm 19; romans 1:19-20).
Jonathan Drake
Why is a literal Adam required when a literal prodigal son isn't required for Jesus' parable and a literal good Samaritan isn't required for that parable?
Without a literal Adam and Eve there is no original couple to pass on sin to all humanity. Without the Fall there is no necessity for the Messianic savior from the consequences of sin passed on from the fall.
The Christian Faith is absolutely non negotiable on Adam and Eve, but if possible all the more so on Jesus Christ being the messianic savior. The only means for salvation per the bible is belief in the Christ as the messiah. These are not allegory stories FT, the Christian Faith believes them literal truths.
You cannot make Adam and Eve allegory without also making allegory the story of Jesus, if that story is not literal then there is no life after death and no resurrection of the dead. There would be no point in the faith.
God loves Gay, Lesbian, and Transgendered People
by FusionTheism ingod's view of gays and lesbians.
why should anyone care what i have to say on this topic?
i am not a priest.
Jonathan Drake
How do you know the Bible is anti-gay if you didn't read my argument to the contrary?
I want you to seriously think about this question. Are you asserting that only you can properly understand the bible and we should be thanking you for showing us this "new light"? I don't mean to sound snappy here, I'm being serious.
I again refer to all the verses I posted above which completely destroy your OP title, and I argue that reading your entire OP is unnecessary. You can think what you will about the bible, and ignore what you will about it, but it says what it says.
From Old Testament to new, the bible proscribes one solution to gay rights - death. You are lying to yourself if you truly believe the bible is pro gay rights or God loves the LGBT community. It's absolutely untrue, and you can read it right out of the book itself.
God loves Gay, Lesbian, and Transgendered People
by FusionTheism ingod's view of gays and lesbians.
why should anyone care what i have to say on this topic?
i am not a priest.
Jonathan Drake
I am a little confused as to how I can "offend" atheists by saying I support gay rights and gay marriage???
Its not you supporting gay rights that's offensive, it's trying to contort the bible so it does as well. It absolutely does not, and no matter how hard you try, you will not get around the verses I posted above.
Regardless of your own feelings, the bible is anti-gay, and the God of the bible promises to wipe all of them out for their sinful profanity of nature. It's disgusting.
im glad you support gay rights, but whether you admit it or see it for yourself or not - as a theist the only possible way you can support gay rights is with the proviso that they are still sinning and profaning nature, and that God will judge them.
you know why most people support it? Because it's the right thing to do, because love should not be banned or restricted, because homosexuality is an observable part of nature, and so many more moral reasons! And they support it without believing they are a sin and a stain on creation.